Super Sid The Sloth
An Adventure Loving, Coffee Drinking Sloth
Super Sid the Sloth is a super fun sloth that loves going on slothtastic adventures and drinking some delicious coffee. Usually you can find him on an adventure with his family and friends.
Super Sid’s Handler
Riley is Super Sid’s caretaker and handler. Much like Super Sid she is an adventure enthusiast and also enjoys having delicious coffee with Super Sid.
Riley and Super Sid’s favorite adventure spot is Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park. They love this park because of how far away it is from everything, how you can get close to wildlife and the amazing view of the stars.
Top 3 Locations to Visit
Anastasia State Park
“Anastasia State Park is a haven for visitors and for wildlife. Visitors can observe wildlife along the beach from a canoe or kayak, or on the Ancient Dunes Nature Trail.”
Celebration, Florida
“Celebration is a charming small town with tree-lined streets, captivating architecture and a welcoming mix of shops and restaurants.”
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park
Kissimmee Prairie is a land dominated by the great blue sky. The preserve, part of the Everglades headwaters, protects the largest remaining tract of Florida dry prairie, an ecosystem shaped by cycles of flooding and fire.
Connect with me on Social Media
Many of the adventures I go on I share on Social Media. Be sure to follow along on the adventure by liking my page on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.